Series of projects for EU funds in a company
Product/service description
Based on the priorities and development goals of a company and in accordance with the existing project experience, a Project Idea Pool – is PIP developed. It PIP consists of approximately 2-page short summaries of project ideas based on a standardized format. It contains the following relevant information for each project idea:
- General data (possible EU funding program(s), if applicable call number, funding rate, Approximate Project Duration)
- Possible partners or types of partners that are needed or eligible
- A short project description and justification
- Draft of the project objective(s)
- A brief overview of results and outcomes
- Main activities foreseen
The project ideas developed in this way are geared to the thematic priorities of current company activities.
The individual project ideas are developed by Palemid experts on the basis of the following 7-step methodology:
- General analysis of the portfolio of thematic expertise in company projects and development activities
- Selection of the most relevant thematic areas for the company based on customer requests, document analysis and future development trends and taking into account the available financial resources
- Expert brainstorming to develop innovative ideas and concepts for each project
- Desk research for each idea on international best practice in relation to the relevant thematic area, the funding program, possible open or planned calls and possible partners or partner types
- Development of individual project objectives and targets
- Preparation of project results and necessary main activities
- Preparation of a structured summary of the project idea on approx. 2 pages per idea
Preparation of a comprehensive project application for the corresponding EU program/call
Palemid offers the preparation of a complete project application to a suitable EU funding program and calls for relevant topics in close cooperation with the project office of a company.
The proposal, based on the state of the art and following high quality criteria, consists of the following main components:
- Technical sections including Project Goals, justification, results, work plan, methodology of implementation, etc.
- Financial sections including the project budget
- Consortium/partnership
- Administrative documents and formal components
The detailed structure and content depends on the specific program chosen for the application.
In setting up the partnership for the project and the key strategic directions of the project (objectives, main activities and results, budget, etc.), there will be close cooperation between Palemid and the Company Project Office and feedback will be integrated. The active involvement of the client in these areas is essential to ensure high quality output in line with the client’s organizational objectives. In addition, auxiliary activities are included in this offer:
- Joint selection of the call on the basis of proposals from Palemid
- Regular updates and communication with the customer
- Feedback meetings during the entire start-up phase.
- Concluding session after the preparation of the proposal to safeguard the lessons of the past
On the basis of the following approximate work plan, the activities to prepare the project proposal will be carried out. However, the exact timeframe depends on the specific request chosen and possible adjustments according to customer requirements. Updates of the schedule will be provided upon request by the customer in case of changes.
Constant communication between the client and the service provider by e-mail and personal meetings ensure that the offer is adapted to the client’s organizational development objectives. In addition, the integral feedback and approval loops implemented in the above work plan ensure a step-by-step progress control by the customer.
A dual control principle is applied in the definition of content, financial calculation and completion of the respective administrative departments, whereby checklists and required annexes to the respective project application form are run through to ensure maximum quality standards.
Senior Consultants will be involved in the preparation of the technical sections as well as the budget of the application and will bring several years of experience in applying for EU funding as well as in the management of large international projects.
Workshops of one or more days
The issues:
- Management & Skills
- Time Management
- Effective meetings
- The project management
- Analysis of competitors
- Strategic instruments
- Troubleshooting
- Decision-making
- Communication
- Creativity Tools.
International market entry strategies
There are three main groups of ways of entering foreign markets: export, contract and investment, which differ in terms of the degree of control, risk and flexibility. Decisions to enter the international market also cover the question of the time of entry: when should a company enter a foreign market? Exiting the market is a decision that must be made carefully. Just as there are barriers to entry, there are barriers to exit that can delay or make it difficult to decide to exit.
Financial consulting for companies
Financial consulting, together with accounting and taxes, is the most important factor in making business decisions. We help you to obtain quality data and information. Qualitative plans, calculations and analyzes help companies to detect anomalies and other changes in their financial position.
We will advise you in the following areas:
- Review and analysis of the existing situation
- short-term and long-term financial plans
- cash flow preparation
- financial analysis of the company
- investments and their financing
- Assistance in introducing measures to improve the liquidity and solvency of the company
- Assistance in receivables management
- savings management
- financial control of the company
Palemid Ltd.
Municipalities & Regions
Palemid Ltd.
Consulting, research
and education.
Terčeva ulica 61
2000 Maribor
GEO: E15.64109, N46.57655
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